C l e a r l y C a y m a n R a t e s a n d M a r k e t i n g M a t e r i a l s
Reseller Resource Center
We want to help you promote our dive resorts to your group members and clients. So this page is our attempt to put all you need just a click or two away. We will continue working on building this out with more materials. But if there is something you need and don’t find it here – let us know by emailing: Marketing@ClearlyCayman.com

Rate Sheets
Please note that on rate sheets, the rate reflected as “Base” is the value on which commissions will be paid. It reflects all costs except taxes and gratuities.
2025 Travel
Diver Documents
To minimize delays and reduce stress on arriving diver guests, we have converted all diver documents to digital online forms with the exception of the medical waiver for in-water instruction that still has to be printed and brought with the diver.


We will send one email that includes the link plus diver numbers for each member. We thank you for forwarding to the individuals you’ve booked or the group leader to share with their members so all divers can complete in advance of their arrival on-island.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions. If guests would prefer NOT to complete the documents online, they may download the forms here, complete them, and bring them to Reef Divers at the Resort.
Medical release required of anyone taking or completing in-water instruction from Reef Divers
Digital Asset Manager (DAM)
To minimize delays and reduce stress on arriving diver guests, we have converted all diver documents to digital online forms with the exception of the medical waiver for in-water instruction that still has to be printed and brought with the diver.

Digital Photos and Other Assets
We have opened up a public folder in our Digital Asset Manager (DAM) with new photos of each resort, a video for each resort, new underwater photos, and logo files for your use in promoting your group trips and/or setting our packages. It is your responsibility to use these assets in accordance with our guidelines.
If this is your first visit to our digital media files, please use this link which will explain how to use this new tool along with usage guidelines.
If you’ve visited before and are already familiar with the guidelines, please use this link which will take you directly to the digital asset files.

Group Flyer Templates
Customize these documents to promote your group trip. If you need help, please send YOUR group’s information to fill the placeholders to our Marketing Director, who will be happy to assist.
All group flyer templates are now in our Digital Asset Manager (DAM) with instructions for customizing for your own use. You can go directly to that file here.
Contact Us
To request additional information or have one of our representatives contact you, please complete the following.
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